cover image: FARM TO SCHOOL SPOTLIGHT - Fond du Lac Ojibwe School A


FARM TO SCHOOL SPOTLIGHT - Fond du Lac Ojibwe School A

26 Apr 2024

FARM TO SCHOOL SPOTLIGHT Fond du Lac Ojibwe School At Fond du Lac Ojibwe school in Northeastern Minnesota, the culinary team uses the kitchen as a place to reaffirm the mission of the school — to educate and highlight Ojibwe culture and language. [...] The COVID-19 shutdown in purchasing records and integrating the Harvest of 2020 brought more staff to the kitchen to assist the Month resources in the cafeteria. [...] The educa- Fonoti and the rest of the kitchen staff with the tion efforts spread throughout the school, with gym new challenges of packaging and delivering bag teacher John Babineau also integrating Harvest lunches and dinners for children doing distance of the Month nutrition and health education into learning from home and providing additional meals gym classes. [...] With Harvest of the Month spurred Fond du Lac’s interest this added support, the team began participating in in buying local, and with the support of Farm to Minnesota’s Harvest of the Month program in Spring School grants through the Minnesota Department 2021. [...] However, the systems the team produce has brought attention to the Fond du Lac implemented and the relationships it developed Ojibwe School kitchen in the community.
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