cover image: Case No. 1:24-cv-00913-RMR Document 15 filed 04/26/24 USDC Colorado pg 1 of 10


Case No. 1:24-cv-00913-RMR Document 15 filed 04/26/24 USDC Colorado pg 1 of 10

26 Apr 2024

The Civil Practice Standards include a decorum rule encouraging the disclosure of “applicable pronouns of counsel, litigants and witnesses” and requiring the use of “applicable pronouns.” RMR Civ. [...] Gender identity and pronoun use is a political matter that is of public importance The broader issue of gender identity is unquestionably a “sensitive political topic[]” that is a matter of “profound ‘value and concern to the public.’” Janus v. [...] 20, 2023), another judge in the District of Colorado recently held that the plaintiff was likely to succeed on the merits of its free speech claim “to the extent that the state would require Plaintiff and its staff to use a student’s or employee’s preferred pronouns as a condition of 3 Case No. [...] “[I]n the latter half of the twentieth century, gendered pronouns became imbued with new meaning,” as “[t]he feminist movement came to view the generic use of masculine pronouns as ‘a crucial mechanism for the conceptual invisibility of women’” and a means of reenforcing prejudice. [...] The applicable Civil Practice Standards give an appearance of bias because they take as a given that the precepts of trans ideology supply the correct answer to pronoun usage and provide for consequences in the event of non-compliance.
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