Bill 185 – Cutting Red Tape to


Bill 185 – Cutting Red Tape to

10 May 2024

Proposed Planning Act, City of Toronto Act, and Municipal Act Changes from the proposed Bill 185 (ERO 019-8369, Regulatory Registry 24-MMAH010) In general, AMO is supportive of changes to the Planning Act, City of Toronto Act, and Municipal Act intended to improve the land-use planning process so long as the right pre-conditions are in place to ensure that municipalities are positioned for success. [...] Many municipalities and developers have highlighted the disconnect between fee refund requirements and the realities of the planning process on the ground and called for the repeal of this provision. [...] Intensification, Affordability and Complete Communities In AMO’s previous submissions, we encouraged the province to provide consideration and flexibility for the differing challenges experienced in urban, rural and northern municipalities related to intensification and to support the development of complete communities with a range of housing options. [...] AMO also encourages the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to engage with other ministries – including the Ministry of the Attorney General – to coordinate any changes to other public notice provisions for municipalities to ensure that residents maintain access to important information. [...] 8 May 10, 2024 AMO would also encourage the province to ensure that the proposed changes to planning data reporting align with other data initiatives such as the collection of housing data, and the Data Standards for Development and Planning Applications being developed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery.


Patrick Jerrett

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