cover image: HimalDoc_Adapting to climate change in the tropical fruit industryb - a technical guide


HimalDoc_Adapting to climate change in the tropical fruit industryb - a technical guide

11 Apr 2024

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its f. [...] In terms of the structure of the guide, Chapter 1 introduces the background and discusses the impact of climate change on global agriculture and tropical fruit production. [...] Chapter 2 explains the scope of the guide, including: The countries selected for further investigation into the impacts of climate change on pineapple production; the climate trends affecting these countries; and a brief overview of some of the countries’ experiences to date in developing National Adaptation Plans for the agriculture sector. [...] 1.5 Purpose of the guide and who is it for? The purpose of this technical guide is to: • provide up-to-date information on recent and predicted climate change effects and trends in key pineapple producing and exporting countries; • identify climate change risks and impacts on the production and trade of pineapple; • identify adaptation practices and recommendations that may help to address these r. [...] Chapter 2 explains the scope of the guide, including the countries selected for further investigation into the impacts of climate change on pineapple production; the climate trends affecting these countries; and a brief overview of some of their experiences to date in developing National Adaptation Plans for the agriculture sector.
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Table of Contents