cover image: Regional Drought Monitoring and Outlook System


Regional Drought Monitoring and Outlook System

31 May 2024

the other hand, a minor surplus is expected in most parts of In May, some parts of Indus, Ganges, and Irrawaddy basins the Brahmaputra and Irrawaddy basins, with a slight deficit are expected to have a slight surplus, though conditions are in April. [...] Most of the eastern parts of the major river Tarim and Salween basins indicate the lowest degree of basins of the HKH are expected to remain under cooler- evapotranspiration rates across the HKH in the subsequent than-normal temperatures until June. [...] Only the lower region shows slightly warmer- in April and back to normal conditions in the succeeding than-normal conditions from April, while the Salween and months. [...] The RDMOS also provides Users can interact with the RDMOS to view and download seasonal outlooks at four-month intervals to support different snapshots; the map control element in the drought management and preparedness processes. [...] ICIMOD Development of the Regional Drought Monitoring and makes every effort to ensure but makes no warranties – Outlook System was supported by the United States either express or implied – as to the accuracy, reliability, Agency for International Development (USAID) and the timeliness, non-infringement, merchantability, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) fitness for a parti.
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