cover image: CSEP Working Paper-49 April 2023


CSEP Working Paper-49 April 2023

13 May 2024

The Centre for Social and Economic Progress (CSEP) conducts in-depth, policy-relevant research and provides evidence-based recommendations to the challenges facing India and the world. [...] Assessing the Criticality of Minerals for India 2023 Rajesh Chadha Senior Fellow Centre for Social and Economic Progress New Delhi, India Ganesh Sivamani Research Associate Centre for Social and Economic Progress New Delhi, India Karthik Bansal Research Assistant Centre for Social and Economic Progress New Delhi, India The first edition of this working paper was presented at the 25th Annual Confer. [...] This study is the second edition of Part 1 of the earlier CSEP Working Paper - 19 titled Critical Minerals for India: Assessing their Criticality and Projecting their Needs for Green Technologies. [...] The authors thank Anuj Rajawat for the research assistance provided and CSEP colleagues for their insightful comments and suggestions. [...] We sincerely thank Rakesh Mohan and Bishwanath Goldar for their valuable comments and suggestions on the earlier drafts of this paper.
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