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Briefing - Debt Demands & Debunking Distractions for Climate Action

30 May 2024

Cancel the debt 🌎 The problem rooted, extractive and exploitative neoliberal model of development through their loan-making and projects, despite fierce From the era of colonialism to the present resistance from indigenous peoples and day, countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America local communities suffering under debt and the Caribbean have been forced to and austerity. [...] They Overhaul the approach to debt do not free up sufficient fiscal space sustainability of the IMF and for Global South countries to tackle the World Bank and ensure debt development and climate challenges. [...] If a country is in a debt highly subjective and narrow analysis of a crisis, it needs rapid and comprehensive country’s capacity to repay and/or take on debt cancellation to restore its debt further debt, and fails to account for the sustainability and fiscal capacity to act. [...] • The IMF and World Bank are • Many of the activities and programs undemocratic institutions dominated of the IMF and World Bank are harmful by rich countries that hold the majority to the climate, such as the financing of voting rights. [...] More information Debt sustainability analysis • Defaulting on Development and Climate – Debt Sustainability and the Race for the The links between the debt and 2030 Agenda and Paris Agreement climate crises Debt Relief for a Green and Inclusive recovery, April 2024 • A Human Rights Based Approach to Debt and Climate Justice Debt-for-climate and debt-for- ESCR-Net, June 2023 nature swaps • The Vici.
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