cover image: Civil Society Report Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Lebanon


Civil Society Report Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Lebanon

29 Apr 2024

Consequently, citizens will bear social justice and the realization of human under the End-of-Service-Indemnity (EOSI) Status of progress the burden of repaying both the loan and its rights;system and aged less than 49 years at the time associated interest, as the government chose to of the law's enactment. [...] While the draft law Rights; and excludes trying civilians before the military court, gross violations of human rights such as • Strengthen the independence of the judiciary torture and forced disappearance remain under and guarantee the right to fair trial by adopting its jurisdiction when committed by the military laws to regulate the judiciary, and the forces. [...] The first is the United Nations Plan of Action on the Safety of assassination of writer Luqman Slim in 2021, the Journalists and the Issue of Impunity; second is the relative victory of unconventional political options in the parliamentary elections • Uphold the rights to freedom of expression and in2022, and the third is the end of the era of peaceful assembly, including by ending President Miche. [...] by the protection of the rights of media professionals to freedom of expression, and After the national currency lost its value emphasize limiting the hearing of publishing incrementally against the US dollar, the salaries crimes to the Publications Court, in addition to of workers in the media sector were affected, and defining the tasks of the National Media they lost even their minimum recogniz. [...] The two postponements in 2022 and 2023 highlight the government’s consistent disregard for the constitution, the law, and the rights of the people to choose their representatives at the local level.
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