cover image: Accessing Sustainable Cooling in Off-Grid Rural Areas: Nexus between Access to Energy and to Clean Cooling (English)


Accessing Sustainable Cooling in Off-Grid Rural Areas: Nexus between Access to Energy and to Clean Cooling (English)

31 May 2024

ESMAP's Sustainable Cooling Program and SEforAll prepared this report to stimulatediscussion and action among stakeholders on the urgent need for significantly moreattention to the nexus of access to sustainable cooling with access to electricity in ruraloff-grid areas. Based on a literature review and electrification experiences on the ground, the report seeks to clarify key concepts related to cooling needs and opportunities in rural off-grid areas and the synergies between access to cooling and to electricity, identify important issues and barriers along with policy tools to address them, and, finally, based on this initial assessment,formulate preliminary recommendations and signal areas for further work.
other world power and electricity sector electricity access off grid electrification public administration - energy and extractives


World Bank

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Accessing Sustainable Cooling in Off-Grid Rural Areas: Nexus between Access to Energy and to Clean Cooling
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
1W-Esmap Accelerating Decarbonization -- P174321
Public Administration - Energy and Extractives
TF No/Name
TF0B8264-ESMAP ACCELERATING DECARBONIZATION,TF0C3721-ESMAP Zero Carbon Public Sector - FY21-24 - Own-managed - 3,TF0C3725-Geothermal Program - FY21-24 Own-Managed 3,TF0C3726-ESMAP Efficient Clean Cooling program - FY21-24 - Own-managed 3,TF0C3727-ESMAP Accelerating Decarbonization - FY21-24 - Own-managed 3,TF0C4175-Global - Climate Auctions for Energy Efficient Buildings - DPSP III BDF,TF0C4556-Green Hydrogen Support Program - FY21-24 - OWN-MANAGED - 3
Energy Efficiency,Mitigation,Access to Energy,Investment and Business Climate,Energy,Gender,Human Development and Gender,Energy Policies & Reform,Environment and Natural Resource Management,Private Sector Development,Climate change,Business Enabling Environment,Adaptation
Unit Owning
Version Type
Volume No

Table of Contents