cover image: Holding on to Our Future: Final Report of the Inquiry into the application of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle in the removal and placement of Aboriginal children and young people in South Australia


Holding on to Our Future: Final Report of the Inquiry into the application of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle in the removal and placement of Aboriginal children and young people in South Australia

14 May 2024

This is the final report of the Inquiry into the removal and placement of Aboriginal children in South Australia by The Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People, April Lawrie. The Inquiry, which commenced in mid-2022, examined how the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle is applied in the removal and placement of Aboriginal children in out-of-home care. The principle was designed to recognise the importance of safe care for Aboriginal children within family and culture. Holding on to Our Future provides 48 findings and 32 recommendations for addressing how the principle is applied to reduce the number of Aboriginal children in the child protection system and ensure Aboriginal children grow up safe and strong within family, community and culture. Holding on to Our Future is the first South Australian child protection inquiry to be led by an empowered Aboriginal person to privilege and preference the voices and experiences of Aboriginal children, their families and communities. The Inquiry heard from more than 400 Aboriginal children, young people, families, carers, community members and workforce and more than 500 sector stakeholders. Nearly 900 documents and 30 case files were reviewed. Nineteen public hearings were held.
children australia child protection young people


April Lawrie

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