cover image: Powering Past Gas: An Energy Strategy That Works


Powering Past Gas: An Energy Strategy That Works

5 Jun 2024

By expanding our clean energy capacity this decade, we can limit gas to a small residual ‘firming’ role in Australia’s electricity › Starting a managed decline of gas exports would see Australia take control of grid, halve gas use in our homes and businesses and cut gas use by our energy and export future. [...] The shift to clean energy is underway and accelerating 3 POWERING PAST GAS Gas is a dangerous fossil fuel WE HAVE BETTER, SAFER ENERGY OPTIONS Gas is a dangerous fossil fuel responsible for climate pollution that is harming Australians and the places we love. [...] The continued roll-out of firmed renewables Gas Strategy even claims that: “Gas will in our electricity grid and electrification of our be essential to the transition because our We have cheaper and cleaner technologies homes and businesses will slash a big share of energy system needs gas to achieve net needed to replace both coal and gas in our Australia’s gas demand. [...] In fact, Australia’s gas PROJECTED GAS USED FOR LNG PROCESSING, WITH AND WITHOUT ELECTRIFICATION INVESTMENTS export terminals use more gas than all of our power stations around the country, and almost three times as Gas used for liquefaction and processing Potential gas savings through electrification much gas as Australian households Gas used for liquefaction and processing, after savings (Climat. [...] New solutions are needed for changing gas markets We need new policy thinking, not new gas MEET DOMESTIC NEEDS WITH AUSTRALIAN GAS FIRST Only 20 percent of the gas produced in Australia is used in our grid, buildings AUSTRALIAN GAS USED DOMESTICALLY VS LNG PROCESSING AND EXPORTS and industry.
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