cover image: Issues brief - Issues Brief - no: 55 11 June 2024 - Harnessing data to improve patient


Issues brief - Issues Brief - no: 55 11 June 2024 - Harnessing data to improve patient

11 Jun 2024

differences in the publication of HAC data Most states and territories release safety and across states and territories, and public and quality information to the public, however, private hospitals, have still not been this is not standardised and dissemination addressed; and HAC data is published to occurs via differing information platforms, websites or in reports, with variability in with most. [...] The flow of data can be impacted by IHACPA to price and fund hospital safety and jurisdictional legislation, and differences in the quality which incorporates HAC data and HAC data and data management and transfer risk (IHACPA 2022a, 2023a; Webster et al., capabilities across states and territories 2023). [...] 21 Data to improve patient care and prevent HACs Issues brief no: 55 Publication of HAC data is not embedded within governance and policy Policy for safety and quality data publication To improve transparency and performance However, Schedule B (National Bodies) and monitoring and reporting, the functions of Schedule D (Transparency and Performance) IHACPA, AIHW and ACSQHC were expanded of the Add. [...] requirements for performance reporting to be Consequently, the choice of data and timely, accessible and understandable, and for publication timeframe for HACs is timeframes for regular reporting to ensure discretionary, and potentially result in reporting is ‘current and relevant’. [...] Data to improve patient care and prevent HACs Acknowledgements Key messages Recommendations Table of Contents Executive Summary Background The burden of HACs in Australia Prevention of HACs Local, state and territory HAC publication National HAC data publication Funding and policy infrastructure supporting HAC data and publication Figure 3: Key functions related to data Publication of HAC incidenc.


Ellen Davies

Published in

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