cover image: Issues brief - Perspectives Brief  no: 31 13 June 2024


Issues brief - Perspectives Brief no: 31 13 June 2024

12 Jun 2024

• explore the lessons learnt from the The selection of key stakeholders was implementation of three allied health-led influenced by convenience, previous service innovations with diverse professional relationships and positional stakeholder groups; and authority more than any roles, resources or • propose a more deliberate and strategic influence that would impact on the aims and approach to stake. [...] Qualitative data analysis was the planning and implementation of three new conducted using Nvivo12 based on an allied health-led models of care to better inductive coding structure that emerged from understand the experiences, expectations and the interview transcripts and a comprehensive approaches that allied health professionals review of service innovation and stakeholder bring to the challeng. [...] does the change represent minor change to current practice and resources or will it have a significant impact? • Stakeholders operate in networks – the key to identifying and engaging the right stakeholders is understanding who needs to be involved – and if they are in another network Identifying the right enlisting the support of people to be a bridge between the 2 stakeholders to engage networks. [...] • Inviting stakeholders to be part of the service innovation involves defining what each stakeholder values and offering a compelling value proposition to shape the role Inviting stakeholders to they will play, the resources they can bring to the project, 3 participate and how this will be mutually beneficial. [...] This skills and support from experienced health then informs a deliberate and effective way for leaders to enable them to engage stakeholders project managers to influence stakeholders, effectively and strategically as a key secure their engagement and improve the component of introducing change into the chances of a successful and sustainable health system.


Ellen Davies

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