America’s Arrogant Imperialism on Full Display in Tbilisi


America’s Arrogant Imperialism on Full Display in Tbilisi

11 Jun 2024

The Black Sea country of Georgia was recently convulsed by protests over the passage of legislation requiring disclosure of foreign funding of NGOs. The controversy is a big deal in Tbilisi. However, the issue doesn't matter much in America. At least, it shouldn't. But that ignores the endless ambitions of those who rule Washington, D.C. Georgia's elected government refused to comply with instructions to drop the bill. So, the Biden administration is determined to impose its will. Just another day in the Imperial City. Georgia was one of the Soviet republics that broke free when the USSR imploded. The new country's birth was tumultuous, and the famed Rose Revolution later brought to power a Georgian version of Volodymyr Zelensky by the name of Mikhail Saakashvili. The latter tied himself to Washington, lobbied to join NATO, and, expecting American support, made the disastrous mistake of bombarding Russian troops stationed in the breakaway territory of South Ossetia, triggering Moscow's 2008 invasion.


Doug Bandow

Published in
United States of America