UNEP mourns loss of former Executive Director Klaus Töpfer


UNEP mourns loss of former Executive Director Klaus Töpfer

11 Jun 2024

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) joins family and friends in mourning the loss of former UNEP Executive Director, Dr. Klaus Töpfer. Dr. Töpfer led UNEP from 1998 to 2005 after spearheading environmental policy in Germany as Environment Minister, presiding over a period of UNEP’s history that saw environmental sustainability become front-page news and central to international development goals. "Dr. Klaus Töpfer was a passionate and strong voice for the environment. He understood the power, fragility, and beauty of nature and why it must be protected. Under his leadership as Executive Director, UNEP delivered important new multilateral environmental agreements, critical action on pollutants and helped secure important progress on climate change. On a personal level, I was deeply touched when Dr. Töpfer reached out to me after my appointment offering his ongoing support and advice,” said Inger Andersen, Executive Director of UNEP. "The world has lost a true environment leader and we at UNEP mourn this loss.
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