cover image: Unblocking Transformative Development in Amman : A Way Forward for Planning Law Reform - Final Technical Assessment Report (English)


Unblocking Transformative Development in Amman : A Way Forward for Planning Law Reform - Final Technical Assessment Report (English)

12 Jun 2024

Amman sits at a crossroads. The city's growth presents new opportunities for development that can be both efficient and sustainable. However, rapid urbanization also strains public infrastructure and services, and could result in unsustainable urban patterns that can only be fixed later only with great effort. The Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) needs the right tools and systems to properly guide new development and recoup sufficient revenues to re-invest in meeting the needs of residents and businesses. Unfortunately, the current legal framework governing land development in Amman is outdated and does not meet the city's current needs. Recent legislation has provided GAM with the opportunity to put in place much needed legal structures at the local level, while the national government works on implementing broader reforms. But this work has to be focused and efficient if it is to be effective. Unless GAM makes critical legal changes the city will continue to face significant challenges in guiding urban growth or raising revenues to pay for services and infrastructure. GAM is currently working on these reforms, which are critical to setting Amman on the right path towards more sustainable development. This report reviews the Greater Amman Municipality's (GAM) urban planning, land use and governance legal framework to identify any gaps and propose ways in which the laws could be improved, so that GAM can better meet the development demands of Amman.
urban development jordan middle east and north africa sub-national government sustainable economic growth urban accessibility municipal land management municipal asset management city indicators and benchmarking


World Bank

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Unblocking Transformative Development in Amman : A Way Forward for Planning Law Reform - Final Technical Assessment Report
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
JO-Jordan Sustainable Cities -- P177803
Sub-National Government
TF No/Name
TF0C1855-CPL - C1/C2 Jordan - Amman Smart City Platform,TF0C2789-C2 - MNA - Vibrant Cities,TF0B9855-T1 - Jordan, Amman - Smart and Green Amman,TF0C0321-C1 & C2 - Jordan - Amman: Pathways for transforming service delivery in
Urban Infrastructure and Service Delivery,Mitigation,Municipal Institution Building,Job Creation,Economic Policy,Economic Growth and Planning,Environment and Natural Resource Management,Private Sector Development,Public Sector Management,Urban Planning,Climate change,Urban and Rural Development,Jobs,Adaptation,Spatial Growth,Public Administration,Urban Development
Unit Owning
Version Type
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