cover image: Disclosable Version of the ISR - Dominican Republic Water Sector Modernization Program - P177823 - Sequence No : 03 (English)


Disclosable Version of the ISR - Dominican Republic Water Sector Modernization Program - P177823 - Sequence No : 03 (English)

11 Jun 2024

water supply dominican republic research agricultural extension latin america & caribbean other energy and extractives central government central agencies public administration - water sanitation and waste management and other support activities other water supply


Viola,Chloe Oliver

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Disclosable Version of the ISR - Dominican Republic Water Sector Modernization Program - P177823 - Sequence No : 03
Lending Instrument
Product Line
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
DO-Dominican Republic Water Sector Modernization Program -- P177823
Public Administration - Water, Sanitation and Waste Management,Central Government (Central Agencies),Other Energy and Extractives,Sanitation,Water Supply,Other Water Supply, Sanitation and Waste Management,Agricultural Extension, Research, and Other Support Activities
TF No/Name
TF0B8018-Strengthening Disaster Risk Management, Resilience of Urban Water and S,TF0C2067-Dominican Republic: Water sector modernization program
Urban Infrastructure and Service Delivery,Mitigation,Human Development and Gender,Environment and Natural Resource Management,Private Sector Development,Urban Water and Sanitation,Water Resource Management,Climate change,Urban and Rural Development,Adaptation,Water Institutions, Policies and Reform,Urban Development
Unit Owning
Water Latin America & Caribbean (SLCWA)
Version Type

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