cover image: Disclosable Version of the ISR - Cambodia Sustainable Livelihood for Indigenous Communities Project (CSLICP) - P174951 - Sequence No : 03 (English)


Disclosable Version of the ISR - Cambodia Sustainable Livelihood for Indigenous Communities Project (CSLICP) - P174951 - Sequence No : 03 (English)

7 Jun 2024

cambodia irrigation and drainage research agricultural extension agricultural markets east asia and pacific workforce development/skills commercialization and agri-business public administration - agriculture fishing & forestry and other support activities



Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Disclosable Version of the ISR - Cambodia Sustainable Livelihood for Indigenous Communities Project (CSLICP) - P174951 - Sequence No : 03
Lending Instrument
Investment Project Financing
Originating Unit
Agriculture and Food PG EAP (SEAAG)
Product Line
Recipient Executed Activities
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
KH-Cambodia Sustainable Livelihood For Indigenous Communities Proj -- P174951
Workforce Development/Skills,Public Administration - Agriculture, Fishing & Forestry,Irrigation and Drainage,Agricultural Extension, Research, and Other Support Activities,Agricultural markets, commercialization and agri-business
TF No/Name
TF0B6237-Cambodia Sustainable Livelihood for Indigenous Communities Project (Ban,TF0B6238-Cambodia Sustainable Livelihood for Indigenous Communities Project
Rural Markets,Job Creation,Gender,Human Development and Gender,Skills Development,Youth Employment,Rural Development,Social Development and Protection,Environment and Natural Resource Management,Private Sector Development,Standards, Curriculum and Textbooks,Indigenous People and Ethnic Minorities,Labor Market Policy and Programs,Rural Infrastructure and service delivery,Climate change,Urban and Rural Development,Jobs,Rural Non-farm Income Generation,Adaptation,Teachers,Education,Social Inclusion
Unit Owning
Agriculture and Food PG EAP (SEAAG)
Version Type

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