cover image: Togo Jobs Diagnostic : Confronting Challenges and Creating Opportunities for More Good Quality Jobs for All (English)


Togo Jobs Diagnostic : Confronting Challenges and Creating Opportunities for More Good Quality Jobs for All (English)

7 Jun 2024

The Jobs Diagnostic is part of a two-year analytical program co-financed by the World Bank and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to support the Government of Togo (GoT) as it develops a multisectoral strategy on jobs. The analytical program consists of the Jobs Diagnostic, an in-depth value chain study, and technical assistance to the GoT to develop a multisectoral jobs strategy. The in-depth value chain analysis is a continuation of the previous stream of work between the World Bank and GIZ that allowed identification of high potential value chains for better jobs outcomes for youth and women;18 it applies an integrated approach to jobs in the agricultural sector by conducting an in-depth analysis of selected value chains, simultaneously assessing constraints on, and opportunities for, better jobs outcomes for youth and women at the macro level, while also exploring constraints and opportunities in the areas of labor supply and demand. Going forward, the World Bank will offer technical assistance to the GoT in developing a multisectoral jobs strategy, aimed to become a reference document on jobs for the GoT and its development partners. This Diagnostic presents the data relevant to a jobs-focused economic development plan, the results of the analysis of the data, and a number of policy recommendations based on the analysis. Given the predominance of the informal and agricultural sectors, two deep dives in these areas are presented. As stated, a data-driven multi-sectoral program that focuses on jobs in the Togolese economy can provide a strong yet dynamic structure on which to develop the stability, sustainability, and growth needed to help Togo achieve its economic and social goals.
food security togo jobs jobs and development western and central africa


Karlen,Raphaela Beatrice, Rother,Friederike Uta

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Togo Jobs Diagnostic : Confronting Challenges and Creating Opportunities for More Good Quality Jobs for All
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
TG-An Integrated Jobs Strategy For Togo - Towards More Good Qualit -- P175453
Series Name
Jobs Series; Issue No. 32;
Unit Owning
Social Protection & Labor AFR 2 (HAWS2)
Version Type
Volume No

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