cover image: ANNUAL REPROT



26 Jun 2023

The peace accords and the major political changes resulting from the agreement, including the establishment of the Palestinian National Authority in part of the Occupied Territories, has led to a vital and active role for the Centre in protecting civil and political rights and in promoting the development of democratic institutions, an active civil society, and a democratic legal system in Palesti. [...] The Palestinian President to repeal the presidential decree relevant to formation of the Higher Council of Judicial Authorities and Bodies, as it infringes upon the independence of the Judiciary and violates the principle of separation of powers. [...] The Palestinian authorities both in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank to respect public freedoms and end the practice of arbitrary summonses on the grounds of freedom of opinion; and to eliminate all illegal restrictions on the right to peaceful assembly. [...] The Palestinian government and security services to stop all viola- tions of the right to freedom of opinion and expression and the right to peaceful assembly and to hold the perpetrators of such violations accountable via the appropriate legal means. [...] This constitutes a violation of the international law and Article 55 of the Fourth Geneva Convention under which Israel is placed under an obligation to ensure to the fullest extent of the means available to it the food and medical supplies of the population and in particular to import the necessary foodstuffs, medical supplies and others if the resources of the occupied territory are inadequate.
Published in
Palestine, State of