cover image: Water should not be used as a weapon - Water is a fundamental human right, essential for life, health,


Water should not be used as a weapon - Water is a fundamental human right, essential for life, health,

17 Jun 2024

Upholding these laws is crucial First, using water as a weapon disproportio- to maintaining a minimum standard of nately affects the most vulnerable populati- humanity in warfare and preventing ons, including children, the elderly, and the the escalation of conflicts. [...] culty of Environment at the University of Water- loo in Ontario, Canada, said, "Thwaites is the most unstable place in the Antarctic and contains the equivalent of 60 centimeters of sea level rise. [...] In the South and East flooding and other extreme events, sea-level rise, of the Mediterranean, over 180 million people ocean acidification and declining biodiversity suffer from water scarcity today and the entire exacerbate existing environmental issues in the region is increasingly exposed to extreme heat, Mediterranean Basin caused by the combination water shortages, and an alternation between. [...] But in to safe drinking water and sanitation Pedro Arro- the current situation in Gaza, it is more a case jo-Agudo and others have warned, the use of of ‘peace for water.’ This requires a ceasefire water as a weapon in Gaza constitutes a violation and a suspension of arms transfer to Israel to of a number of humanitarian and human rights make humanitarian aid including water provi- principles. [...] This needs to result in the warned that the environmental destruction in Ga- fair allocation of water and related costs in a za and the West Bank on water, soil and air qua- very unequal setting.



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