cover image: Palestinian Authority Violations of Right to Freedom of Expression


Palestinian Authority Violations of Right to Freedom of Expression

17 Jul 2023

The report is divided into 2 sections: • The first one highlights the violations of the freedom of expression documented by PCHR in the PA and indicators placed by PCHR to measure freedom of expression in PA controlled areas in addition to presenting a brief legal analysis on how these violations breach the international standards and the Palestinian law regulating the freedom of opinion and expre. [...] The absence of the legislative council and independent judiciary for the last 12 consecutive years and the ensuing nonexistence of oversight and accountability in the PA's institutions have aggravated this situation, affecting civil society’s role in exerting pressure on the decision makers to enact better laws and respect the rule of good law in a way that guarantees the freedom of access to info. [...] If the name of the victim was not mentioned when the crimes of defamation and insult were committed, or the accusation were ambiguous but there was evidence which leaves no doubt in linking the matter to the victim, the perpetrator of the defamation or insult shall be considered as if he / she mentioned the name of the victim.” Considering the abovementioned article, it is clear that the legislato. [...] At the national level, the Palestinian Basic Law (PBL) ensures respect for the freedom of expression and journalism as Articles (19 and 27) stipulate the obligations of the three authorities (executive, legislative and judicial) relevant to respect and protection of the freedom of expression, media outlets and of individuals working in this field. [...] These State responsibilities apply to the right of freedom of opinion and expression, but the freedom of expression is distinct from other rights as Article (20) of ICCPR stipulates forms of expression that should be prohibited: - Respect for the right to freedom of opinion and expression: The PA is committed to refrain from any action that would undermine the right to freedom of opinion and expre.



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Palestine, State of