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CDRI Working Paper Series No. 144

12 Jun 2024

where is total revenue of fresh (f) and dried (d) chillies sold on plot j of household i in village v; is the quantity of fresh and dried chillies sold on plot j of household j in village v; is the unit price of fresh and dried chillies sold on plot j of household i in village v. [...] The technical efficiency of each unit is then calculated as the ratio of its actual output against the maximum output predicted by 2 Profitability and Technical Efficiency of Chilli Farms in Cambodia the frontier. [...] The considered wage is the prevailing rate in the village for each activity, collectively including that of male, female and child labour (aged 15 or younger).1 Included is the capital depreciation of 29 farm implements, types of machinery and durable assets (refer to Part 7 of the household questionnaire for the items). [...] The rates cover the following: • Buildings, infrastructure of buildings and construction (five percent per annum) • Small cars, large vehicles, furniture and office supplies (25 percent of the remaining value) • Other assets (20 percent of the remaining value) Table 2 presents dependent and explanatory variables used in the calculation of technical efficiency and its determinants (e.g., Nymeck et. [...] The enumerators then calculated the sampling interval (k) using this formula: k = Njj nj , where kj is the sampling interval in the 6 Profitability and Technical Efficiency of Chilli Farms in Cambodia sample village (j), Nj represents the total number of households engaging in chilli production in the sample village (j), and nj is the sample households in the sample village (j).
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