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I ss u e B r ief - FIRST DIALOGUE ON

1 Jun 2024

I ss u e B r ief FIRST DIALOGUE ON UAE-JUST TRANSITION WORK PROGRAMME Just Transition pathways to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement through NDCs, NAPs, and LT-LEDs The Conference of the Parties serving as the The first dialogue under the UAE-JTWP to be meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) held at the UNFCCC Bonn Climate Conference will decided, at its fourth session (CMA.4). [...] (UN) and observer organizations have submitted their The ‘decision text’ notes that the “objective of the views covering aspects of opportunities, challenges work programme on just transition shall be the and barriers, best practices, and actionable solutions discussion of pathways to achieving the goals of the relevant to the topic. [...] The strategies and objectives of just transition and designing measures should therefore be based on a cross-cutting approach to identify and measure the social, employment, and skills consequences and other distributional impacts of the transition. [...] Countries should integrate just transition of the workforce and the creation of decent work and quality jobs into the drafting and implementation of NDCs, NAPs and LT-LEDs. [...] LDCs The work programme should include in its focus on the just transition for sustainable cities especially in the context of climate-vulnerable developing countries such as the LDCs The assessment reveals that there is a diverse crucial for establishing a shared understanding of range of interpretations regarding the concept what a just transition encompasses and the specific of just transition.
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