cover image: Envisioning an equitable future for research across the North-South Divide

Envisioning an equitable future for research across the North-South Divide

20 Jun 2024

2 3 institutions are expressed predominantly in the On the other hand, the perspectives of Global language of ‘relationships’ and ‘partnerships’, and South actors transcend immediate concerns of focus on shifting the composition and functions of equity to address broader issues. [...] The proliferation of guidelines and principles concerned with the limited ways in which knowledge shows a willingness among many Northern actors generated under the current ‘rules of the game’ of and institutions to take part in changing the research is truly transformative in terms of shaping dynamics of research relationships. [...] The question of individual Current accountability mechanisms in the research and institutional agency is crucial, and our study has for development field tend to serve the needs of revealed that actors in the Global North and South funders and powerful institutions and organisations perceive their roles, prospects for participation based in the Global North much more than it and leadership, and ab. [...] researchers are often contracted on a The Centre for the Study of the Circulation consultancy basis and may be at the mercy of Scientific Knowledge (CECIC-Argentina) of the decisions and practices of funders and has developed a set of analytical indicators Global North research partners who do not of research circulation included in the “Cuyo treat them as equals, and feel they have little Manual”. [...] as many funding organisations may be reacting to recent events, as is evidenced in the adoption of Some of the key limitations of the scoping phase equality, diversity and inclusion-related strategies were the rapid nature of the literature review and language by institutions in the last few years.

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