cover image: Getting off the waiting list? Managing housing assistance provision in an era of


Getting off the waiting list? Managing housing assistance provision in an era of

7 Jun 2024

It is directed to the following overarching research question: How can the housing assistance system improve on social housing applications and the waiting list as the primary mediators of access to housing for low-income Australians in need? Key findings Recent years have seen an increase in the efforts of state and territory governments to diversify their housing assistance activities towards ‘p. [...] 422 Getting off the waiting list? Managing housing assistance provision in an era of intensifying social housing shortage 8 Introduction 1.3 The effectiveness of alternative forms of housing assistance in Australia Existing AHURI research on alternative forms of housing assistance has focused on evidence and policy options in relation to individualised and market-based housing assistance (Jacobs,. [...] Reflecting on the findings, the chapter discusses the extent to which the current administration of housing assistance in our jurisdictions resonates with the principles of a ‘rights-based’ approach to relieving housing need and how accountability in the system can be improved (responding to Research Questions 3 and 4). [...] 422 Getting off the waiting list? Managing housing assistance provision in an era of intensifying social housing shortage 17 No of social housing leings to new tenants indexed to 2017–18 (2017–18=100) Analysing and quantifying housing assistance: Statistical overview A key benchmark for gauging the scale of social housing assistance being provided is to relate the annual flow of lettings to new te. [...] The chapter also explores the extent to which the current administration of housing assistance in our jurisdictions resonates with the principles of a ‘rights-based’ approach to relieving housing need and how accountability in the system can be improved (responding to Research Questions 3 and 4).
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