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Strengthening India’s Non-tariff Measures Compliance - A Comparative Analysis of Key Governance Frameworks

14 Jun 2024

The CS has created a global network of and news on various sectors in the export destination trade professionals spread across 100 US cities and in to get a background of the conditions of the market embassies and consulates of the United States in more before they decide to trade with the country. [...] The founding The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has been appointed principle of the EU’s compliance framework is the as the India WTO TBT inquiry point for all sectors except “commitment to the implementation of appropriate the telecom sector for which the Telecommunication measures, transparency, compliance to the applicable Engineering Centre (TEC) is the TBT inquiry point. [...] meetings with the industry, where a designated legal firm updates the industry about the recently notified TBT EPCs in India are autonomous bodies established by and SPS measures from which the firms can foresee the the Government of India to promote and develop the possible impact of the measures on their exports and country’s exports in various sectors. [...] The trade the effectiveness of the structured way in which the law firms taking part in the discussion stated that some EU communicates NTM-related information to their form of assistance in foreign countries can facilitate industry players by clearly offering information about the a better understanding of the respective foreign regulation, compliance steps, and the impacted sectors. [...] The fundamental reason for the absence of a robust information-sharing 5.3 Company-level frameworks mechanism is the lack of capacity in the relevant sector-specific departments to understand the As firms bear the direct cost of inadequate compliance regulations and provide the necessary information to mechanisms, it is important that there are dedicated the nodal department, which can then be sha.
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