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Ethics in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research - Discussion paper

4 Jun 2024

Acknowledging the legacy of This historical and contemporary legacy of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership in unethical research practice has resulted in a lack prioritising and advancing Aboriginal and Torres of trust in research and researchers by Aboriginal Strait Islander human research ethical principles, and Torres Strait Islander communities, amid values, and guidelines, it is. [...] doi: 10.5694/mja2.51757 the rights and responsibilities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities to be involved in all aspects of research that concerns them, and that research is safe and respects the values, diversity, priorities, needs and aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities. [...] In principles and guidelines 1987, a workshop on Ethics of Aboriginal Health With growing recognition by Aboriginal Research was convened in Camden NSW by and Torres Strait Islander and mainstream the NHMRC with the express aim of developing health research authorities of the need to a set of ethical guidelines and working out the improve the responsiveness of research and mechanisms by which thes. [...] undertaken with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and community respects the The AIATSIS (2020) Code provides guidelines for shared values of Aboriginal and Torres Strait ethical research practice that respects the rights Islander peoples, is relevant and meets the and interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait needs and priorities of Aboriginal and Torres Islander communities. [...] principles and guidelines for Approval from the AH&MRC HREC is required when research involves Aboriginal and Torres Aboriginal and Torres Strait Strait Islander people in New South Wales and Islander health research any of the following apply (AH&MRC 2020: 8): • the experience of Aboriginal people is an Acknowledging the diversity of Aboriginal explicit focus of all or part of the research and To.
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