cover image: Too Close to Home: - How we keep communities safer from escalating climate impacts


Too Close to Home: - How we keep communities safer from escalating climate impacts

17 Jun 2024

You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the copyright material so long as you attribute Emergency Leaders for Climate Action and the Climate Council of Australia Ltd and the authors in the following manner: Too Close to Home: How we keep communities safer from escalating climate impacts. [...] Ensure that the National Climate Risk Assessment However, what is still lacking in these and other and ongoing work of the Australian Climate Service approaches is an understanding of how the includes an assessment of which communities are characteristics and composition of communities may most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change impact their ability to prepare for escalating climate under. [...] Work with state and territory governments to use the combined climate and social risk assessments to better target adaptation and resilience initiatives and funding to those communities which will face the greatest impacts of climate change but have the least resources to respond to them. [...] When someone enlists in our defence Importantly, when communities are well connected and force, they are provided with the able to work together, they are also better equipped to equipment, the training, and the seek funding for and build the physical infrastructure resources they need to save lives and they need to remain safe from extreme weather and protect Australia. [...] That relentless inferno that communities have experienced since 2019 has claimed the lives of two Australians led to a situation in which more and more national, and destroyed the homes of 87 state and territory and local resources are required families and more than 600 other to help communities respond to and recover from buildings and vehicles.
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