David Boaz: Practical Libertarianism


David Boaz: Practical Libertarianism

15 Jun 2024

David Boaz, the Cato Institute's long- time executive vice president, left us last week. His passing was an obvious personal loss to his family and friends. It was a professional loss for the Cato Institute. It was political loss for libertarians. And for the larger conservative movement as well. Back in the mists of time -- sometime in 1978, I believe -- I ran into a Stanford University graduate student by the name of Williamson Evers. I was in law school at the time but was devoting much of my time to journalistic and political endeavors with a libertarian bent. He told me I should visit the Cato Institute in San Francisco. So I drove up into the city, a rare trek for me, and met Ed Crane, Cato's founding president, Charles Koch, who provided Cato's seed capital, and David Boaz.


Doug Bandow

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