cover image: Technical Recommendations for Lao PDR's Long Term Low Emission Development Strategy - Full Report (English)


Technical Recommendations for Lao PDR's Long Term Low Emission Development Strategy - Full Report (English)

19 Jun 2024

This report presents technical recommendations for the Lao People's Democratic Republic's LongTerm Low-Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS) and its implementation. An LT-LEDS is a strategic document that outlines a country's plan under the Paris Agreement for low-emission development by mid-century. The recommendations were developed based on Lao PDR's 2050 net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions target outlined in its revised nationally determined contributions (NDCs)1 and in close consultation with the Department of Climate Change of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (DCC-MONRE) and the Department of Planning of the Ministry of Planning and Investment as the government's designated leading agencies. The analysis takes the net-zero emissions target as a given parameter for modelling and recommendations but does not assess this target or its implications for Lao PDR's development. Similarly, actions included in the NDC Implementation Plan issued by the government are automatically included in the BAU scenario.
climate change adaptation green growth lao people's democratic republic east asia and pacific low carbon development pollution management other public administration


World Bank

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Technical Recommendations for Lao PDR's Long Term Low Emission Development Strategy - Full Report
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
LA-Supporting Action On Climate Change And Green Growth In Lao Pdr -- P177594
Other Public Administration
TF No/Name
TF0B7312-JAC_Lao PDR_waste and tourism,TF0B7359-Development of LT-LEDS for Lao PDR for the period of 2020-2050 – N,TF0B8493-Landscape Valuation for Decision Support in Lao PDR,TF0B9159-Building a Climate Resilient Agriculture in Lao PDR for Green and resil,TF0B9480-Pollution Solutions for Lao PDR's Green Growth Policy and Investment A-
Data production, accessibility and use,Mitigation,Gender,Human Development and Gender,Data Development and Capacity Building,Economic Policy,Green Growth,Rural Development,Economic Growth and Planning,Environment and Natural Resource Management,Disease Control,Pandemic Response,Public Sector Management,Environmental policies and institutions,Climate change,Urban and Rural Development,Adaptation,Geospatial Services
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