cover image: Disaster Risk Preparedness of Households in the Caribbean (English)


Disaster Risk Preparedness of Households in the Caribbean (English)

17 Jun 2024

Preparing for-and responding to-disasters requires a people-centered approach and a strong understanding of households' ability to cope with shocks. Relying on novel household survey data, this paper examines the ability of households in the Caribbean to cope with disasters caused by natural hazards. The analysis sheds light on disaster preparedness in five “data deprived” countries: Belize, Dominica, Haiti, Saint Lucia, and Suriname. The analysis points to a clear income gradient in possession of emergency supplies needed to cope with disasters. This gradient can be observed at both the country and household levels. In contrast, no such income gradient is observed for other key elements of preparation for disasters: community disaster management systems and discussion of risk mitigation strategies within households (both of which are common in the Caribbean hurricane belt). There is substantial variation in preparedness to cope with disasters across sociodemographic groups, as households with less educated heads, with children, and residing in rural areas are generally less able to handle disasters. All in all, a large share of households in all five countries indicates that they are not prepared to cope with a natural disaster. The COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on disaster risk preparedness, primarily due to households' deteriorating financial circumstances.
caribbean natural disaster disaster preparedness household surveys latin america & caribbean other public administration


Anglade,Boaz, Cucagna,Maria Emilia, De Hoop,Jacobus Joost, Paffhausen,Anna Luisa

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Disaster Risk Preparedness of Households in the Caribbean
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
6R-Disaster Resilience And Vulnerability Rapid-Response Household -- P176412
Other Public Administration
Series Name
Policy Research working paper ; no. WPS 10807; PROSPERITY; COVID-19 (Coronavirus);
TF No/Name
TF0B5331-Disaster Resilience and Vulnerability Rapid-Response Household Phone Su
Disaster Risk Management,Disaster Response and Recovery,Human Development and Gender,Data Development and Capacity Building,Disease Control,Pandemic Response,Public Sector Management,Urban and Rural Development,Data production, accessibility and use
Unit Owning
EFI-LCR-POV-Poverty and Equity (ELCPV)
Version Type
Volume No

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