The Govemment has agreed to e0gage the party of the fust part and tire parry of the has fust partagreed to sene the Government as ln with effect tom the forenoon of tbr a period of further two years orders on or untilcontract basis on ttre t"nns and colldltlorls herein contained. [...] The appointment of the patt-v of the first part as Il shall contrrue for a period of ttvo years or until fuither orders of the Government. [...] By giving one calendar month notice in *riting any tirne during the term of the appointment under this agreement either by the party ofthe f[st part to the Government or by the Gove(unent or its authorized officer to the party of the first part \tr'ithout assigning any reasons rvhatsoever. [...] the benefits of any improvement that may be sanctioned by ihe Goternment iubsequent to the date of his appointment in the terms and conditions of service applicable to the class of officers serving the equivalent posts. [...] The party of the fust parl shall be etigible for all concessions in relation to medical attendance and treatment that nray be prescribed by Government lbr the class of othcers serving rn the equivalent post to rrt ch the Govemment nuy declare the party ol the fust part to correspond in status or ur conditions of service.
- Pages
- 8
- Published in
- India