Green - Strategies for goods - decarbonising government purchasing in Australia - Toby Phillips, Mara Hammerle &


Green - Strategies for goods - decarbonising government purchasing in Australia - Toby Phillips, Mara Hammerle &

20 May 2024

cement for governments to change the industrial and fiscal infrastructure) but changing procurement landscape, using the size and power of the practices would offer Australia a way to build the public sector to shift towards a net zero demand needed to support a green export economy. [...] There is a need for a coordinated approach across government authorities as well as for a greater consideration of how to use fiscal mechanisms to 5 Green goods | Strategies for decarbonising government purchasing in Australia The state of public procurement in Australia The opportunity for public procurement in procurement;7 a total of $319.5 billion in federal Australia to influence demand for l. [...] more recycling of scrap steel and greater access to firmed, renewable energy, and to competitively 17 Green goods | Strategies for decarbonising government purchasing in Australia Consider the mechanics of fiscal carbon; an estimate of the dollar cost of the policy damage to society from an additional unit of carbon emissions. [...] Internal carbon charges involve a and deals, asking the question “will this business fiscally-neutral internal transfer: the charge model still be viable if carbon was priced at $X comes off of the balance sheet of the agency, per tonne?” The Australasian Procurement and department or business unit procuring the service Construction Council encourages the use of a and goes back onto the balance sh. [...] The Infrastructure Sustainability Rating are in place to accurately measure the results of Scheme by the Infrastructure Sustainability the green procurement policies, and that public Council is also useful for evaluating and procurement staff and businesses are aware of comparing the environmental performance of the opportunities and understand their roles and infrastructure across the project del.
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