cover image: February 2024 - Access to Quality Education for Children Living in Low-Income


February 2024 - Access to Quality Education for Children Living in Low-Income

18 Jun 2024

We would also like to thank the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology both at the national and district level including the President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG) for providing us with a letter of research authorization and supporting APHRC and HakiElimu to conduct the study in the selected schools. [...] The choice of the two urban areas growing evidence of the inequalities in schooling was informed by the need to understand the schooling for the urban poor populations. [...] To avert this, the field interviewers Empirical data for this study were collected in explained to the respondents the difference in the study September and October 2022 in 1200 sampled and also explained to the participants that they were households and 98 schools.. [...] Our them to the office here and we warn them and most of results show that on average over 80% and over 78% the time we even threaten to beat them before taking of the parents, across wealth tertiles, knew where the report to their parents … The parents are the source their children spent time after school and whom of the problem because there are some parents if you they spent time with after sch. [...] This is clear in the following statement: The community in …… is putting a lot of effort in following up on the children who roam around so that they can get to school and they get to tell the parent whether the child gets to school or not.
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