cover image: India-and-collective-defence-in-the-Indo-Pacific



4 Jun 2024

integrate India into a collective architecture for The challenge, therefore, is to imagine the “art of deterrence and defence in the Indo-Pacific within the possible” when it comes to India’s participa- the realm of the possible. [...] However, in the case of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the identification of a com- Collective deterrence mon adversary (Soviet Union), and the presence of a serious and tangible threat (military attack on and defence in the Western Europe and the Communist threat to the contemporary world liberal order), made it a collective defence arrange- ment during the Cold War period. [...] The collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War under- In a multipolar global order with diffuse power cen- scored the success of NATO’s collective deterrence tres and dispersed sources of threats, defence of the efforts but also raised the prospect that NATO would liberal international order can no longer be based then have to navigate the tricky transition from a solely upon the lin. [...] while being somewhat unsuitable in the event of overt military threats to the country.70 In either case, India’s approach can be characterised as actions India and collective defence in the Indo-Pacific: Possibilities, prospects and challenges 13 Likely scenarios in the Indo-Pacific and India’s response The most plausible contingencies in the Indo-Pacif- aversion to military alliances, suggests th. [...] India At the same time, India’s chief of defence staff may also exercise this option in contingencies out- commissioned a study to examine the impact of a side of the area of its primary interest, if the risks Taiwan-centred war on India, and India’s options of military involvement are manageable, and if its in such a scenario, ostensibly at the urging of the India and collective defence in the In.
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