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Political youth: Finding alternatives to violence in Sierra Leone

14 Jun 2024

It is further argued that the manipulation of youth by elite actors of all persuasions, the fragility and economic plight of the state, the lack of coherent commitment by international partners, and the pervasiveness of cultural practices, are greater threats to the country’s longer-term peace and stability. [...] The extreme violence against civilians and the high number of children and youth among the armed factions gave the conflict its distinct character – as did the shifting alliances between the various militias, the centrality of foreign protagonists and the dominance of diamonds in funding the war. [...] The low participation rates of girls in education and very low literacy rates among women continue to have an impact on the general development of the country and the education and security of future generations of children, as well as deepening the feminisation of poverty. [...] 28 Political youth: Finding alternatives to violence in Sierra Leone the time of writing, the NYC is up and running and, although inefficient in its administration, is providing youth-friendly processes and platforms for participation, and a commissioner who is committed to the job.16 Some youth workers in the field are a little cynical about the headlines the government is making with the inaugur. [...] In the absence of public works programmes or support for self-employment and entrepreneurship, and the failure of liberalisation to create jobs, the youth of Sierra Leone are expected to rely once again on the ingenuity of aid agencies to fill the gap.
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South Africa