cover image: Conflict resolution under the Ekika system of the Baganda in Uganda


Conflict resolution under the Ekika system of the Baganda in Uganda

14 Jun 2024

Yet the effectiveness of the political participation of these groups as well as the capacity of the state to authentically relate and respond to needs at the communal level varies enormously. [...] The myth about the origin of the Baganda serves to preserve a common culture and ancestry and provides the rationale behind the methods used to mitigate and resolve conflicts in Buganda. [...] To date, the head of the Nkima kinship group is called Mugema, and the role of the Nkima kinship group in the Buganda Kingdom Palace is to dress a new king with a bark cloth during installation in remembrance of this act. [...] He mobilised Baganda’s support and participation in the 1980-6 civil war, in exchange for the restoration of the kingdom and the return of properties the monarchy claimed were occupied by the central government. [...] However, the Batakas’ Lukiiko called upon their Bazukulu to reject the Bill and the Kabaka communicated the decision to the President.7 The contentious issues included appointment of the prime minister, control of land in Buganda and powers of the office of the president to take over regional governments.
Published in
South Africa