cover image: Economic Briefing June 2024


Economic Briefing June 2024

27 Jun 2024

For some time, the RBA has talked about the narrow path it is seeking to navigate to bring As flagged in previous Economic Briefings, the cost down inflation to the target band of 2-3% without of services (+4.3% in the year to March) is higher the economy falling into recession. [...] The Perth Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased 0.6% in the March quarter and 3.4% in the last Despite the slowing of the economy, household 12 months. [...] may have peaked Private sector wages increased by 0.6% in the • The slowing economy and the impact of rate March quarter and 4.3% for the year, falling from rises is expected to increase unemployment in the near term 4.6% in December. [...] Public sector wages increased just 0.3% in the March quarter and 3.4% for the year, a large drop from the 5.2% recorded in the The labour market in WA continues to be the tightest December quarter. [...] The Local Government Cost Index (LGCI) increased The slowdown in the economy is expected to by 0.7% in the March quarter, down slightly from ease the recent increases in the cost of Machinery 0.8% December quarter.
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