cover image: Disaster Management


Disaster Management

21 Jun 2024

Climate change is making natural disasters more frequent, yet little is known about the capacity of firms to withstand such disasters and adapt to their increased frequency. We examine this issue using a the latest wave of the World Management Survey (WMS) that includes new questions on firms’ climate change perceptions and adaptation behavior. Combining this with geocoded data on natural disasters and previous WMS waves, we create a panel spanning 8,000 firms across 33 countries and three decades that shows exposure to disasters decreases growth inputs, outputs and firm survival. More importantly, firms with structured management practices are more resilient, suffering much smaller drops in jobs and capital. To understand the mechanisms behind this resilience, we use the new WMS climate questions to show better managed firms have more accurate perceptions of climate-related risks to their businesses. Such firms are also more likely to have implemented measures to adapt to climate change both overall and in response to their perceived climate risk. Other aspects of firm organisation, such as decentralisation, also help protect against disasters, but their adaptation behaviour is not well-targeted. These results show that improving management is one way to help protect economies from climate change shocks.
environment labor studies productivity, innovation, and entrepreneurship environment and energy economics environmental and resource economics


John Van Reenen, Agnes Norris Keiller

Acknowledgements & Disclosure
We would like to thank seminar participants in Stanford and LSE for helpful comments. Generous funding has come from ESRC/UKRI through the Programme On Innovation and Diffusion. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Published in
United States of America

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