cover image: Nepal: Government must fulfil its promise and end the use of torture and other ill-treatment


Nepal: Government must fulfil its promise and end the use of torture and other ill-treatment

25 Jun 2024

Three decades after the United Nations Convention Against Torture (UNCAT) was acceded by Nepal, the government continues to betray its commitment to stamp out torture and other ill-treatment, as impunity for the crime persists. On the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture and beyond, the Government of Nepal (GoN) must take concrete steps to prevent torture and end impunity in the country. Amnesty International and Advocacy Forum-Nepal call on the GoN to put an end to the use of torture as a tool of law enforcement and ensure justice, truth and reparations for victims.
nepal research torture and other ill-treatment impunity detention racial discrimination death in custody public statement un convention against torture
Index Number
ASA 31/8210/2024
Published in
United Kingdom

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