cover image: Ukraine : Impact of the War on Agriculture Profitability - Issue Number Four (English)


Ukraine : Impact of the War on Agriculture Profitability - Issue Number Four (English)

25 Jun 2024

This report focuses on the following: profitability of grains and oilseeds production at Ukraine in April 2024; main factors of change for the last 3 months (April 2024 vs January 2024); features of fertilization during the spring sowing season 2024; updated forecast of profitability in 2024; costs and prices of major grains and oilseeds; and profitability of livestock products.
ukraine irrigation and drainage europe and central asia agribusiness agricultural credit trade and services agricultural finance agribusiness development other industry


World Bank

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Ukraine : Impact of the War on Agriculture Profitability - Issue Number Four
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
UA-Reviving Agriculture As An Engine Of Ukraine'S Growth -- P180198
Irrigation and Drainage,Other Industry, Trade and Services
TF No/Name
TF0C1321-Support to Ukraine’s Agricultural Recovery and Reconstruction
Global value chains,Mitigation,Human Development and Gender,Food Security,Rural Development,Environment and Natural Resource Management,Enterprise Development,Private Sector Development,Regulation and Competition Policy,Rural Infrastructure and service delivery,Climate change,Urban and Rural Development,Jobs,Business Enabling Environment,Adaptation,Nutrition and Food Security,Flood and Drought Risk Management,Disaster Risk Management,Rural Markets
Unit Owning
Agriculture and Food PG ECA (SCAAG)
Version Type
Volume No

Table of Contents

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