cover image: Good Jobs for Angolan Youth Opportunities Challenges and Policy Directions - Policy Brief (English)


Good Jobs for Angolan Youth Opportunities Challenges and Policy Directions - Policy Brief (English)

25 Jun 2024

This brief is intended to lay out a policy agenda for moregood jobs, especially for youth, to inform the governmentof Angola's policy debates. It provides a summary of themain analytical findings, messages, and policy suggestionspresented in a detailed technical report. It takes a broadview of jobs, including an assessment of the macroeconomicand demographic trends, the role of the private sector ingenerating jobs, and the challenges facing the labor forcewith a particular emphasis on youth. Based on this analysis, itturns to policy by outlining the current programs offered bythe national government in Angola to address the jobs andemployment challenges and provides suggestions on policiesthat the government of Angola could consider adopting, with aparticular emphasis on addressing the needs of youth.
youth employment angola social protection job creation and job opportunities macroeconomic analysis of economic development ict services eastern and southern africa


World Bank

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Good Jobs for Angolan Youth Opportunities Challenges and Policy Directions - Policy Brief
Originating Unit
Social Protection AFR E2 (HAES2)
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
AO-Angola Youth Jobs And Inclusion -- P174737
ICT Services,Social Protection
TF No/Name
TF0B3773-G2Px Angola,TF0B7210-Empowering Angolan Women,TF0B9769-Angola G2Px Phase II
Financial Infrastructure and Access,Job Creation,Gender,Human Development and Gender,ICT,ICT Solutions,Youth Employment,Social Protection,Social Development and Protection,Finance,Private Sector Development,Labor Market Policy and Programs,Active Labor Market Programs,Jobs,Payment & markets infrastructure,Social Safety Nets
Unit Owning
Social Protection AFR E2 (HAES2)
Version Type
Volume No

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