cover image: Strengthening International Trade and Logistics through Private Sector Participation in Mongolia and Pre-feasibility Study for a Dry Port in Zamiin Uud (English)


Strengthening International Trade and Logistics through Private Sector Participation in Mongolia and Pre-feasibility Study for a Dry Port in Zamiin Uud (English)

25 Jun 2024

This report, funded by the World Bank, is aimed at strengthening Mongolia's internationaltrade and logistics. It summarizes the material presented in the previous reports - which covered transport demand, railway operations, border management, and private sector participation. The report focuses on the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor (CMREC), as the main corridor for non-mining international trade. It addresses logistics services, government policies, and institutional capacity to establish a robust foundation for corridor development, including trade expansion, supply chain development, economic diversification, and environmental well-being.
mongolia trade urban transport east asia and pacific transport and economic geography logistics hubs and platforms


World Bank

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Strengthening International Trade and Logistics through Private Sector Participation in Mongolia and Pre-feasibility Study for a Dry Port in Zamiin Uud
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
MN-Mongolia Transport Development Support -- P178172
Urban Transport
TF No/Name
TF0B8127-Mongolia: Transport Infrastructure Investment Planning (TIIP) for Ulaa-,TF0B7677-On-Demand Transit Service to Improve the Accessibility of Ulaanbaatar's,TF0B7779-Mongolia: Infrastructure Governance Diagnostics and Pre-Feasibility of-,TF0B8215-Mongolia: Ulaanbaatar Transport Infrastructure Asset Management and De-,TF0B8453-Mongolia : Support to the Development of Transport Intermodal Projects,TF0B8768-Mongolia: Ulaanbaatar Transport Infrastructure Asset Management and De-,TF0B9538-E-Mobility strategy development for Ulaanbaatar
Road Safety,Mitigation,Data Development and Capacity Building,Economic Policy,Public Transport,Environment and Natural Resource Management,Private Sector Development,Public Sector Management,Urban Planning,Climate change,Urban and Rural Development,Trade,Adaptation,Data production, accessibility and use,Flood and Drought Risk Management,Trade Logistics,Disaster Risk Management,Urban Development,Public Private Partnerships
Unit Owning
INF-EAP-Transport (IEAT1)
Version Type
Volume No

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