cover image: 12th international conference on improving energy efficiency in commercial buildings and smart communities


12th international conference on improving energy efficiency in commercial buildings and smart communities

3 Jun 2024

The IEECB&SC’24 and the European ESCO conference, held in Frankfurt on 6 and 7 March 2024, brought together all the key players in energy efficiency and decarbonisation of commercial buildings and district, such as investors and property managers, academia and experts, equipment manufacturers, service providers (ESCOs), utilities, facilities management companies, data centre operators, urban planners and local and national policy makers, with a view to exchange information. In particular the conference aimed to attract property owner, investors, architects, local authorities and urban planners to present and discuss synergies and cooperation in removing existing barriers to energy efficiency, renewable energy and smart and NZE buildings and districts, on the role of ESCOs and on the impact of digitalisation and AI. Its objective was attracting high level presentations showing new technologies, techniques, services, policies, programmes and strategies to increase energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and to reduce greenhouse gases emissions in non-residential buildings, ICT and data centres and district/communities and cities. The Proceedings contains articles based on the presentations.
information technology energy efficiency renewable energy artificial intelligence energy consumption building services energy supply lighting conference proceedings reduction of gas emissions energy research digitisation energy saving energy grid distribution business smart city commercial area


Bertoldi Paolo, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Clementi, Enrico

Catalogue number
Published in
Technical regulations , Energy research

Table of Contents

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