cover image: International mobility as a development strategy: Bosnia and Herzegovina Country Report (English)


International mobility as a development strategy: Bosnia and Herzegovina Country Report (English)

25 Jun 2024

Emigration has been an important phenomenon in Bosnia and Herzegovina for many decades. Today, about 1.7 million Bosnians are currently living in another country, implying that one in three Bosnians can be considered migrants. This emigration rate is the largest of any of all countries in Europe and Central Asia, and is second globally, only after the Republic of Syria.1 The Bosnian diaspora tends to reside in former Yugoslavian countries (with more than 43 percent living in Serbia and Croatia), as well as high-income countries such as Germany and Austria. There is also a sizable diaspora in North America and Australia. In the last decade, new waves of migrants have been mostly going to Germany, Slovenia and Croatia.
social protection europe and central asia immigration migrant workers western balkans south eastern europe and balkans migration policies and jobs


World Bank

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
International mobility as a development strategy: Bosnia and Herzegovina Country Report
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
7B-Leveraging Migration From The Western Balkans For Development -- P181320
Social Protection
Unit Owning
Social Protection & Labor ECA (HECSP)
Version Type
Volume No


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