cover image: Support for the implementation of the Social Climate Fund :Note on good practices of public consultation for the Social Climate Plans


Support for the implementation of the Social Climate Fund :Note on good practices of public consultation for the Social Climate Plans

27 Jun 2024

The Social Climate Fund Regulation (Article 5(1)) stipulates that Member States are required to (1) conduct a public consultation with key stakeholders (e.g. local and regional authorities, representatives of economic and social partners, relevant civil society organisations, research and innovation institutions, youth organisations, social dialogue representatives) prior to submitting their Social Climate Plans in compliance with their national legal framework; (2) summarise the received input; and (3) explain, within the template set out in Annex V for submitting the Plan, how the outcomes of the public consultation have been integrated. This note aims to outline and detail good practices in public consultation processes that may be used by Member States for the public consultations to be undertaken in the context of their Social Climate Plans. This is done in line with Article 5(4) of the Social Climate Fund Regulation.
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Directorate-General for Climate Action, European Commission, Ramboll Management Consulting, Wuppertal Institute for Climate Environment and Energy, Gelibolyan, Karun

Catalogue number
European Commission, Directorate-General for Climate Action, Gelibolyan, K., Support for the implementation of the Social Climate Fund – Note on good practices of public consultation for the Social Climate Plans , Publications Office of the European Union, 2024,
Published in
Environment — Ecology , Social