cover image: Youth and democracy


Youth and democracy

10 Jun 2024

In the context of the European elections on 6-9 June 2024 and as a follow-up to the European Year of Youth 2022, the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture commissioned Ipsos European Public Affairs to conduct a Flash Eurobarometer targeting young people, aged 15-30. The survey covered the following key topics: - Youth’s intention to vote in the European elections and the reasons why some might hesitate to vote - Youth’s participation in civic life, including how they think they can make their voice heard and what activities they participate in - Participation in activities such as working or studying abroad and the reasons for not taking part in these activities - Awareness about the EU youth offer, including EU-funded opportunities to stay in another EU country and initiatives to get young people more involved in EU politics - Youth’s expectations from the EU for their generation. For this Flash Eurobarometer, a representative sample of young EU citizens (aged between 15 and 30) in each of the 27 Member States of the European Union (EU) was interviewed. Between 3 and 12 April 2024, 26 189 interviews were conducted via computer-assisted web interviewing (CAWI), using Ipsos online panels and their partner network.
civic engagement mental health youth policy eu member state eu policy digital literacy eu action fund (eu) sport european election social life european electoral system european citizens' initiative


Directorate-General for Communication, European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Ipsos European Public Affairs

Catalogue number
NC-02-24-479-EN-N NC-02-24-479-EN-C
European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Youth and democracy , Publications Office of the European Union, 2024,
Published in
Social policy

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