cover image: What Happens When the State Is Bossing around Markets ? An Analysis of the Performance Differentials between Businesses of the State (BOS) and Private-Owned Enterprises (POEs) (English)


What Happens When the State Is Bossing around Markets ? An Analysis of the Performance Differentials between Businesses of the State (BOS) and Private-Owned Enterprises (POEs) (English)

24 Jun 2024

This paper studies the performance differentials between privately-owned enterprises and businesses of the state. Businesses of the State (BOS) are firms with 10 percent or more direct or indirect state participation. By analyzing firm-level data across 16 European countries between 2011 and 2020, the paper finds evidence that state ownership matters for operational and financial performance and sheds light on how and when it matters. The analysis disentangles the multiple forms of state participation and its effects on firms' performance by exploring the heterogeneity across sector type, levels of state participation, and degree of separation (direct versus indirect shareholding). It also analyzes the early response of businesses of the state to the COVID-19 shock. The results suggest that businesses of the state underperform in terms of labor productivity, profitability, and return on investments, although the effects are heterogeneous depending on the level of state participation, degree of separation, and type of sector. Businesses of the state appear to be more financially leveraged vis-à-vis their private counterparts, suggesting potential soft budget constraints. Wider differentials in profitability and return on investments are evidenced when the state operates in fully competitive sectors that are viable for private participation, underscoring the opportunity costs of state ownership in those sectors. Furthermore, the findings show that mixed ownership with the private sector can drive better results when compared to fully owned businesses of the state. Similarly, a higher degree of separation from the state seems to improve performance, highlighting the role of corporate governance and ownership reforms to foster independence. Finally, businesses of the state demonstrated greater resilience in preserving jobs in the short term during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
competition policy private sector development other sub-national government world state owned enterprises public sector management private sector development for ppp


Sanchez Navarro,Dennis

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
What Happens When the State Is Bossing around Markets ? An Analysis of the Performance Differentials between Businesses of the State (BOS) and Private-Owned Enterprises (POEs)
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
1W-State Footprint In Markets: Database And Indicators For Soe Ref -- P179791
Sub-National Government
Series Name
Policy Research working paper ; no. WPS 10820; PROSPERITY;
TF No/Name
TF0C0082-Expansion of the global SOE database,TF0C4342-Operationalizing PSD SOE reforms
Public Administration,Data Development and Capacity Building,State-owned Enterprise Reform and Privatization,Public Sector Management,Data production, accessibility and use
Unit Owning
EFI-FCI-TIC-Markets,Compet.&Tech (ETIMT)
Version Type
Volume No

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