cover image: Increasing policy coherence between bioenergy and clean air policies and measures :Final project report


Increasing policy coherence between bioenergy and clean air policies and measures :Final project report

6 Jun 2024

This project was commissioned by DG Environment under the Air Quality Support Framework, to assess the evidence on the impacts of bioenergy use (solid biomass for heat and electricity generation) on air quality, the responses by Member States to such impacts, and to support increased policy coherence at the EU level in relation to this issue. The specific objectives were to: 1) Collate, analyse and summarise evidence on the air pollution effects of biomass combustion and related health impacts, to assess the size of the challenge and policy trade-offs arising from this. The project included an assessment of the impact of bioenergy emissions on Member States’ ability to meet EU air quality standards and air pollutants emission reduction commitments 2) Draw together good practice and mitigation measures implemented or under consideration by Member States, regions and local authorities across the EU (and other European countries such as Norway, Switzerland and the UK) for dealing with the identified trade-offs 3) Provide support to the European Commission to help address trade-offs between bioenergy and clean air objectives through ecodesign and energy labelling, and in the context of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive The project included an extensive literature review to help provide the evidence underpinning the first and second objectives. This was supplemented by a stakeholder outreach programme which included both a survey and targeted interviews. Key stakeholders included NGOs, trade bodies and representatives from Member States, cities and regions.
bioenergy biomass air quality fuel wood reduction of gas emissions public awareness campaign eu law report eu policy health risk


Directorate-General for Environment, European Commission, INERIS, Logika Group, TNO

Catalogue number
European Commission, Directorate-General for Environment, Increasing policy coherence between bioenergy and clean air policies and measures – Final project report , Publications Office of the European Union, 2024,
Published in
Environment policy and protection of the environment , Renewable sources of energy

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